The Platinum Membership is filled with learning content that will help you with managing, leading, on-boarding and more. Better understand Power, How to Use Abelson Assessment Reports, How to Run an Effective Meeting and much more. Get exclusive access to webinars, forums, conversations with Dr. A, and materials Dr. A uses in his DISC, motives, emotional intelligence, and leadership training.

  • POWER SERIES - Learn about power and how to use it in your organization to drive efficiency.

  • EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE SERIES - A video series that will help you better understand emotional intelligence, behavior and motivation.

  • HOW TO RUN AN EFFECTIVE MEETING SERIES - This limited series showcases how you can more effectively run meetings to keep people engaged and working hard.

  • MOTIVATION AND CONSEQUENCES SERIES - A series dedication to learning how to use positive and negative consequences to motivate and a process that makes motivating easy.

  • A SERIES ON MANAGING, LEADING AND DELEGATING - Learn the difference between managing and leading and how to use that information to more effectively delegate and lead.

  • A SERIES ON USING ASSESSMENT REPORTS FROM ABELSON FOR HIRING - Dr. Abelson walks you through reports and shows you how to use these reports in the hiring process.


Dr. Abelson has been an educator for over 30 years and understands the importance of offering material that you can use over and over. The Articles in the PLATINUM Membership offer great insight into Turnover, On-boarding, Understanding Motives and more!

  • TURNOVER - 4 articles that will give you healthy insight into Turnover and how to reduce the impacts of an ever changing world.

  • COST OF WRONG HIRE - This section includes 2 articles, identifying the issues employers and managers face with the expenses of hiring the wrong person. It isn't pretty. He also shares a way to calculate the cost of any wrong hire.

  • MASTERING THE HIRING INTERVIEW - 6 articles on better understanding the hiring interview. Dr. Abelson gives Biases and Solutions to hiring.

  • UNDERSTANDING MOTIVES - Here are 4 articles helping you better understand what motivates people. Learn how people who are Utilitarian, Traditional and Individualistic and relate to others and can be motivated by things other than money.

  • THE DISC USED BY ABELSON - 5 Articles helping you understand the DISC offered to you by the Abelson Group and how it differs from other DISC's in the market.

  • MAXIMIZING ASSESSMENT REPORTS - Here you will find 3 articles that discuss how to maximize Abelson reports to get the most of all of the collected data.


The Abelson Group has a monthly webinar on many different topics. As part of the PLATINUM Membership, you have full access to all of these webinars.

  • YOUR SECRET HR WEAPON - Learn how to use reports as your secret HR weapon to hire, on-board and manage employees.

  • LEADING MADE EASY - Watch this exclusive webinar that discusses how leading can be easy if you follow the right steps.

  • BENEFITING FROM THE TEAM REPORT - Learn how to use the team report to create cohesiveness in your organization and watch productivity increase!

  • Dealing with Stress in Stressful Times - Learn how to deal with stress at home and in the workplace with this exclusive webinar from Dr. Michael Abelson and the Abelson Group. Learn about D, I, S, and C behavior under stress and how to manage that behavior. This is a can't miss webinar!

Special Platinum Features

With Platinum you receive new features that are exclusive to the Platinum Membership.

  • Webinars

    Platinum membership includes webinars that you won't see anywhere else. Including webinars with guests, interviews with high profile people, and panel discussions.

  • Training

    Receive exclusive training materials for training, including DISC, Motives, and EQ material for training. Learn how to manage, lead and better understand behavior.

  • Forums

    Get exclusive access to discussion forums related to leadership and assessments. Ask questions and Dr. Abelson will answer the questions personally!


The Platinum Membership is our most valuable membership with exclusive forum access and more. SAVE $60 and SIGN UP FOR THE YEAR TODAY!